The Do's & Don't For Healthy Nails

You Finger Nails: What is normal and what is not
Nails grow from the area underneath your cuticles which is composed of laminated layers of keratin. Healthy fingernails are smooth, without pits and grooves.Fingernails can develop harmless vertical ridges that run from the cuticle to the tip. Some fingernails develop white lines or spots due to injury, but these eventually grow out with the nail.
Not all nail conditions are the same, however, if you notice:
A changee in nail color, such as their appearance or a dark streak under the nail.
A change in nail shape, such as curled nails
A thinning or thickening of the nails
Separation of the nail from the surrounding skin
Bleeding around the nails
Swelling or pain around the nails
Failure of nails to grow out

Fingernail Care Things You Can Do
How to keep your nails looking their best:
1.Keep your fingernails dry & clean. Nails can be a breeding ground for bacteria. Keep your fingernails out of water and use gloves to prevent them from splitting up the middle when you're doing dishes or cleaning with harsh chemicals!
2.Practice good nail hygiene as a habit. Make sure you use sharp clipper or scissors. Cut nails straight across and gently round the tips out in a curve shape.
3.Use moisturizer effectively. To ensure that your hands are properly moisturized, rub the lotion in between your fingers and over the tip of your nails.
4.Apply a protective layer to your nails. Applying a nail hardener on nails can help strengthen them.
5.Learn more about biotin. There is research that shows the nutrient biotin can help strengthen weak or brittle fingernails.
Fingernail Care Don'ts
To help prevent nail damage, don't:
1.Pick at your cuticles OR bite your fingernails. If this happens, the nail bed is susceptible to damage. Infection could also result from a small cut in an area near your finger.
2.Don't Pull off hangnails. It is possible that you may hurt live tissue when you try to remove a hangnail. The best thing to do, in order to avoid hurting yourself and your nail, is to clip the loosened part of the nail off with scissors instead of pulling it.
3.Avoid using harsh nail care products. When using nail polish remover, when possible, opt for an acetone-free formula.
4.Ignore problems. Nails are a very important part of the body, and even if they're not always in sight like skin problems can be. If you have an unusual nail problem that's persistent or has other associated signs/symptoms it would help to see your doctor for evaluation.